Async side jobs
There are many tasks that have potential of improving certain processes and aspects of our business but are “on hold” due to other, more urgent and important work obligations. On the other hand all of us have found ourselves sometimes needing some extra cash by the end of the month.
The idea is to combine these two elements: provide an opportunity to all Async Labs employees to earn some extra income by solving tasks on hold that have a potential of improving our business processes and overall impact.
Since small projects that would fall on this list are currently on hold for a reason, meaning no one had time to get around them due to other commitments during work hours, these tasks would be worked on and solved outside work hours.
Every task will have a fixed price presenting additional+ income on the salary of the employee who delivers it.
You can read about the whole program [HIDDEN] Current list of tasks, descriptions and prices are listed in Teamwork – [HIDDEN]