Group trainings
In our office building we have a gym on the floor below us and due to an expressed interest by the majority of employees, we’ve arranged group workouts (fitness, cardio and strength) with a private trainer who designs each session and makes sure everyone performs the exercises properly.
Group sessions are on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 5PM – 6PM.
Apart from group workouts, anyone can go to the gym any time they want.
First ten people who collected 30 attendances on Async Labs group workouts were gifted with a special treat – workout bag, hand towels and thermos bottle all with Async logo on them as well as lots of healthy treats. Even though we shared all of the packages, if more people keep attending group workouts a new order for Async gym packages will have to be purchased soon, so get your sneakers on!
At the gym, report to the counter and note that you are from Async and they will give you a paper to sign (or they will give you a plus).